Bredonborough Rising c a further
Rising c. 09.16, a further notch towards English-time from jetlag, now a week after my return. WillyFred appeared from nowhere: most likely nowhere = under the bed. Time to play!
Into the Cellar for morning reading I…
12.27 Toyah’s Christmas At The Zoo has been on
VintageTV this morning – and I missed it!...
12.41 From an e-correspondent, commenting on their NJ experience of SuperStorm Sandy…
I had No power no heat for 12 days, and 11 inches of snow 5 days into the storm. TR had it easy, About $10,000.00 USD in damage to house/lawn.
16.36 WillyFred to lodgings c. 14.00.
Across the street I…
… to World HQ with Lizard vinyl from Japan I…
… and to collect 1981-85 Journals for scanning, from Diaries beginning in 1958…
Back to loading the car and checking the flood waters…
The ground is waterlogged, but the river has receded.
Closing down the computer and to practicing.
22.42 DGM HQ.
Setting off c. 18.23…
… and driving here listening to
Maartin Allcock’s excellent new album Chilli Morning – with a version of Discipline.
Arriving DGM HQ c. 20.55. As is conventional, an arriving-conversation with Butcher Fry, puffing away by the back of the Village Store, as is conventional.
Waiting on the desk…
… a significant development.
Setting up the desk. Online and e-flurrying.
00.19 Computing enough. It waits…